Federal Courts Reports Advisory Committee

This committee is provided for by subsection 58(1) of the Federal Courts Act: The Minister of Justice shall appoint or designate a fit and proper person to be editor of the official reports of the decisions of the Court and may appoint a committee of not more than five persons to advise the editor. The Advisory Committee contributes expertise to the selection process in respect of specialized areas of law commonly litigated in the Federal Court of Appeal and in the Federal Court. Brief biographical sketches of the current Committee members are provided below.

Suzanne Thibaudeau, K.C.

A St-Georges de Beauce, Quebec native, Ms. Thibaudeau holds a B.A. from the Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf in Montréal and a B.C.L. from McGill University. She is a labour law specialist and has appeared frequently before the Canada Industrial Relations Board, the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the Federal Court. She has been, since 1993, a member of the advisory committee of the editorial board of the Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal and has held various executive positions in the Canadian Bar Association at both the provincial and national levels.

Lorne Waldman, C.M.

A graduate of Osgoode Hall Law School, Lorne Waldman received his LL.M from the University of Toronto. His thesis was on "International Human Rights Law and Its Effects on a State's Right to Deport Non-citizens". Mr. Waldman has practised exclusively immigration and refugee law since his call in 1979 and appears before the Convention Refugee Determination Division, the Federal Court of Appeal, the Federal Court and the Supreme Court of Canada. Lorne Waldman has appeared before the Senate and the House of Commons as a witness on immigration issues and is a frequent speaker at the Canadian Bar Association and Law Society of Upper Canada seminars. He is the author and editor of Butterworths' two-volume loose-leaf service Immigration Law and Practice and of Canada Immigration and Refugee Practice, published in 2003 also by Butterworths. Lorne Waldman practises law in Toronto with Waldman & Associates.