Long description: Satisfaction Scores: Overall and In Specific Areas

  • Satisfaction Scores: Overall and In Specific Areas
    • Q.7 The services provided by FJA?
      • Satisfied: 2011 - 91%, 2008 - 93%
      • Neutral: 2011 - 6%, 2008 - 5
      • Dissatisfied: 2011 - 3%, 2008 - 2
    • Q.25 The quality of communications between FJA and judges?
      • Satisfied: 2011 - 88%, 2008 - 88%
      • Neutral: 2011 - 9%, 2008 - 10%
      • Dissatisfied: 2011 - 3%, 2008 - 2%
    • Q.19 The language training services provided by FJA?**
      • Very satisfied: 2011 - 88%, 2008 - 87%
      • Neutral: 2011 - 6%, 2008 - 7%
      • Dissatisfied: 2011 - 6%, 2008 - 7%
    • Q.24 The JUDICOM system?
      • Satisfied: 2011 - 76%, 2008 - 84%
      • Neutral: 2011 - 20%, 2008 - 14%
      • Dissatisfied: 2011 - 4%, 2008 - 2%
        Note the decline in those satisfied on this item. However, the shift has been more toward "neutral" than "dissatisfied".
    • Q.9 The services provided by the Finance and Administration section of FJA?
      • Satisfied: 2011 - 86%, 2008 - 82%
      • Neutral: 2011 - 7%, 2008 - 9%
      • Dissatisfied: 2011 - 7%, 2008 - 9%
    • Q.14 The quality of service provided by Compensation, Benefits and Pension Services?
      • Satisfied: 2011 - 78%, 2008 - 79%
      • Neutral: 2011 - 18%, 2008 - 18%
      • Dissatisfied: 2011 - 3%, 2008 - 4%

Question: Overall how satisfied are you with:
Base: Excluding N/A and No Answer.
**Base: Those who took language training offered by FJA.