Segmented Information

(in thousands of dollars)
          Estimated Results 2011         Forecast 2012
  Internal Services Federal Judicial Affairs Canadian Judicial Council Statutory Expenses Total Internal Services Federal Judicial Affairs Canadian Judicial Council Statutory Expenses Total
Operating Expenses
Salaries and employee benefits 640 4,674 1,338 402,270 408,922 646 5,250 1,437 415,571 422,903
Transportation and telecommunications 59 813 120 29,317 30,308 59 880 98 30, 263 31,300
Professional and special services 188 2,080 229 470 2,967 188 2,439 188 485 3,300
Accomodation - 927 227 - 1,154 - 991 236 - 1,227
Utilities, materials, supplies 1 74 21 1 97 1 80 17 1 99
Communication 2 37 5 - 44 2 40 4 - 46
Repairs and maintenance 21 222 83 - 326 21 240 68 - 329
Rentals 2 37 16 5 59 2 40 13 5 59
Amortization (Note 7) - 93 - - 93 - 126 - - 126
Machinery and equipment - 82 47 - 129 - 78 38 - 117
Other expenses - 74 - 5,248 5,322 - 80 - 5,422 5,502
Total operating expenses 913 9,114 2,085 437,310 449,423 919 10,243 2,100 451,747 465,008
Total Expenses 913 9,114 2,085 437,310 449,423 919 10,243 2,100 451,747 465,008

Pension Contribution Credited to Revenue

- - - (13,397) (13,397) - - - (13,866) (13,866)
User charges - (175) - - (175) - (175) - - (175)
Other Revenue - - - - - - - - - -
Total Revenues - (175) - (13,397) (13,572) - (175) - (13,866) (14,041)
Net Cost of Operations 913 8,939 2,085 423,913 435,850 919 10,068 2,100 437,881 450,967

Return to Future Oriented Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 2011 & March 31, 2012