Support Services for Cooporation

A collage of 5 color photographs shows members of the Canadian and foreign members of the judiciary as well as Canadian and foreign court administrators involved in formal meetings and conferences in Canada and around the world.  A photo of the golden domes of the Orthodox Church provides a sense of the range of countries in which FJA works.

FJA provides a range of services relating to Canadian judicial involvement in international cooperation or assistance activities. These include:

  • Responding to domestic and international requests for engagement by Canadian judges and judicial administration experts, including the assistance of Canadian courts in handling such requests;
  • Designing and implementing international technical assistance projects in the furtherance of Canadian foreign policy objectives;
  • Providing relevant and needed advice and support to Canadian judges and judicial administration experts involved in international activities to ensure the safeguarding of judicial independence and integrity;
  • Coordinating the work of the Judicial Advisory Committee on International Engagement;
  • Liaising with Canadian departments that plan international judicial engagement;
  • Providing advice and expertise in judicial reform programming to the Government of Canada in support of its whole-of-government approach to development and Security Systems Reform.